
Mountbellew Mart Sheep Sale on Saturday the 9th July 2022

Smaller sale than previous week with a slightly easier trade all round. Good demand for heavier fleshy lambs with store lambs a slightly easier trade to previous week with many farmers on hay or silage during the fine weather.  Good demand for all lots. Good turnout of lambs which remained a solid trade. Stag ewes had a similar trade to previous week with ewes in good flesh making top prices.

Gates open at 7.30pm for the summer months.


Spring Lambs

Ten lambs, 40.5kg, €125.00. Fifteen ewe lambs, 31.7kg, €116.00. Thirteen ewe lambs, 37kg, €119.00. Eleven wither lambs, 36.3kg, €112.00. Nine wither lambs, 41.7kg, €132.00. Twelve ram lambs,33.2kg, €90.00. Ten ram lambs, 39.2kg, €118.00. Twelve wither lambs, 52kg, €156.00. Thirteen wither lambs 45kg, €152.00. Twenty ram lambs, 44kg, €144.00. Twenty wither lambs, 35kg, €115.00. Twenty wither lambs, 36kg, €117.00. Three ewe lambs, 53kg, €115.00. Ten wither lambs, 47kg, €147. Four lambs, 37kg, €115.00. Twenty lambs, 36.2kg, €124.00. Thirteen lambs, 35.4kg, €100. Eight lambs, 51kg, €150.00. Ten lambs, 52kg, €156.00

Stag ewes

Slightly smaller number on offer to previous week with a similar trade, especially for the fleshier lots.

One ewe, 75kg, €110.00. One ewe, 75kg, €120.00. Twelve ewes, 82kg, €146.00. Ten ewes, 86kg, €130.00. Three ewes, 76kg, €134.00. One ewe, 105kg, € 202.00. Five ewes, 60kg, €76.00. Six ewes, 72kg, €96.00. Eleven ewes, 83kg, €158.00. Four ewes, 67kg, €100.00. Fourteen ewes, 90kg, €170.00. Eleven ewes, 83kg, €136.00.

Ewes with lambs at foot.

Smaller show of ewes and lambs which were not as good as in previous week. Prices ranged from €170 to €240.

The Mountbellew Vintage rally is on Sunday the 24th of July. We will have our usual sheep sale on Saturday the 23rd and we ask that no sheep be left in yard or paddocks after the sale on that date.

Sheep sale every Saturday at 10am in person and online with ‘marteye’ in two “rings” ewe ring and lamb ring. Gates open at 7.30am.

Email: mart@mountbellew.ie Web: www.mountbellew.ie Ph: (090) 9679660.

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